“Acts of violence in this society…
occur between the powerful and the powerless” this idea was engaging to me, and
I am going to expand upon it. Often time’s society sees men as more powerful,
and statistics show that men commit more violence. This power to men has been
given to them by society who says that they are the ones who walk all over
others, and this is the resulting action that occurs. In our presentation in a
little over a week and a half we will discuss many violence’s that are
committed against women, but it is society that places women as powerless when
atrocities are committed against one another. There is no knowing what one will
do unless the power is given to them, and currently men have more power. Look
at wages, our president, the list is endless. Women have gained a lot of power,
but until we have equal power, acts of violence will be more prevalent against
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